Wednesday, February 16, 2005

wow what happened??

My realtor friends and lenders were complaining all of January that business had died. Well that changed. I think as of February 8th this place has gone crazy. My phone is ringing off the hook! My email is out of control! My lender friend can not see straight and is working 9am-9pm. Sellers have total control of the market and buyers had better realize that or they will be out of luck when it comes to getting the home that they want. I wrote 6 contacts and listed a home in the last 7 days. All six contracts were at either list price or just shy of it. The listing sold the next day at full price with multiple offers. If a seller has their home priced right and not at some ridiculous amount it should sell quickly!! More specific, if it is clean and ready to go. Did I say CLEAN I am so sick of showing dirty houses. Mr Seller... CLEAN! Hire a cleaning company before you put it up for sale... CLEAN. Anyway, I think we are going to see record numbers this month. 2005 Looks to be another strong year. If you are thinking of selling... NOW IS THE TIME. We are so short inventory of GOOD CLEAN homes and we all have buyers waiting to buy that home.

I also had the not-so good advantage of working with an "off" name discount real estate company. Geez, where do they find their realtors?? They have no experience and no knowledge and have no idea how to put a contract together.... help me!

Buyer's if you are looking in this market, don't goof around get your contract signed around as quickly as possible or you may lose out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi karen,

do you envision the homestead area beoming crowded? All the vegetation turn into housing? Will it be just like kendall south?

9:35 PM  
Blogger Sellrealest8 said...

You know I am not sure, it could. I know that if you look up north (like NJ, NY) land being a HUGE commodity, and pricing out of control because there is no more land. So likewise in Miami where do you go… where there is land. Sad thing is we are losing our farms due to land values. If you can buy and acre for $150,000 multiply that by 20 acres and you are rich. So why bust your butt farming. Lets hope that the community looks at planning and development control. Right now the schools are over-maxed. And the taxes in some area are extreme due to the CDD’s. Knowledge is power. If you are concerned I’d definitely attend the Chamber functions as well as the City meetings to voice your opinion we do not have enough attendance in that area. Btw, thanks for the blog!

3:09 PM  

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